

Systemlösungen für Firmenveranstaltungen

Systemlösungen für Corporate-Liveveranstaltungen

CODA Audio bietet eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten, welche die Anforderungen eines jeden Corporate-Event erfüllen. Die Sprachverständlichkeit ist bei Corporate-Events ein ebenso entscheidender Faktor, wie ein optisch diskretes und unauffälliges Beschallungssystemen. Von der HOPS-Serie über das CoRAY Säulensystem bis hin zu unseren kompakten Line-Arrays, bieten wir leistungsstarke und dennoch optisch elegante Lösungen für eine große Bandbreite dieser Art von Veranstaltung an.


Client Testimonial...

Our objective when renewing the sound reinforcement system was to significantly improve the electro-acoustic sound situation in the stadium with a high-quality, attractively priced solution.

Felix Duden, Managing Director, TecArena

Client Testimonial...

“Even at 120m away, the main PA was clearly audible across the entire site and the organisers were very happy with the quality and intelligibility. We even received compliments from various speakers about how good the sound was - something that they told us isn’t always the case!”

Julian Lacroix, Hoedemakers PRO System Tech

Client Testimonial...

“The rigging is unparalleled, and the performance of the speakers is sensational in relation to their weight. TiRAY, for example, is equipped with two small 5-inch cone drivers, yet it is full-range capable and equally suited to reproducing music and speech.”

Christian Keil, CEO of NPB Veranstaltungstechnik

Client Testimonial...

Client Testimonial...

“When I unmuted the system and the first song was played, the crew just went ‘Wow!’. You can imagine that with more than a hundred mics on the choir, feedback could be quite an issue, but we were able to drive a very high level with amazing clarity and intelligibility and no aggressivity. On my main desk, with all the choirs and classical instruments, there’s no EQ at all - only local - it’s just amazing -  no phase problems, nothing. It’s just so very natural.”

Philippe Barguirdjian - FOH engineer