Estimated Capacity
3,000 persons
Expected Pressure Distribution
115 dB(Z) to 39% within +/- 1.5 dB
115 dB(Z) to 75% within +/- 3.0 dB
115 dB(Z) to 96% within +/- 4.5 dB
115 dB(Z) to 75% within +/- 3.0 dB
115 dB(Z) to 96% within +/- 4.5 dB
Loudspeaker Totals
36 x N-RAY
12 x SCN-F
6 x SCV-F
8 x SCP-F
12 x SCN-F
6 x SCV-F
8 x SCP-F
Management Amplifier Totals
2 x T-RACK
2 x M-RACK
2 x M-RACK