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System Optimiser Beta 0.5 Release 21.12.2020

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Soundsysteme für Live-Veranstaltungen

CODA Produktserien

für Live-Veranstaltungen

CODA Audio bietet eine breite Palette von Systemlösungen für jede Touring-Anwendung, von kleinen Clubtouren bis hin zu großen Open-Air-Festivals. Überragende Klangqualität, höchste Zuverlässigkeit, kompakte Größe und einfache Handhabung machen CODA Audio Systeme für Touring- und Verleihbetriebe zur ersten Wahl. Unser weltweites Distributorennetzwerk hilft dabei überall auf der Welt, die gewünschten Produkte, Dienstleistungen sowie technischen Support zu erhalten.

für Festinstallationen

CODA Audio bietet eine breite Palette von Lautsprechersystemen für jede Installationsanwendung vom kleinen Konferenzraum bis hin zum großen Stadion. Zuverlässigkeit, Ästhetik, eine Vielzahl von Installationszubehör sowie hervorragende Klangqualität in Verbindung mit kompetenten Installationspartnern weltweit machen CODA-Produkte zur ersten Wahl für Installationen von herausragender Qualität.



“Everyone is just blown away by N-RAY. Expectations in the Church were definitely high - they had been patient with their process of identifying the right choice of system, so it had to be perfect. We were painstaking in our work to make sure that every aspect was spot on, and while it was a challenging job, we have been rewarded with a universal thumbs-up from everyone involved."

Troy Choi, Solid Sound Solution


“I think the benchmark for this kind of event has been set by CODA Audio. The system sounded exceptional and its compact characteristics made it a dream to work with for the guys setting it up in such a short space of time. Clark Chan’s expertise coupled with System Optimiser’s accuracy and reliability contributed hugely as well. We hope that CODA will be the choice for many more events of this kind at the Taipei Dome.”

Andy Chen - Orpheus Acoustics


“The sound left a deep and lasting impression on me. It allowed every musician and listener to enjoy the fresh air of nature whilst listening to the beautiful and brilliant sounds of the concert hall!”

Tan Lihua - Conductor The Symphony Orchestra of the Chinese Central Ballet Troupe


“It’s true that the specifications were quite demanding! We had to cover the entire area from the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column, all with a limit of 84db. In total, this was a distance of almost 2.5 km, which required uninterrupted sound at the desired level.”

Florian Volmer - Senior Specialist Planning and Head of Sound Technology at AMBION

Termine und Veranstaltungen