

Professionelle Bühnenmonitore

Solutions for Stage Monitoring

Die Bühnenmonitore der CODA Audio CUE-Serie sind 3-Wege-Hochleistungsmonitore im optisch dezenten Gehäusedesign. Sie liefern einen extrem hohen Schalldruckpegel und sind aufgrund ihres außergewöhnlich gleichmäßigen Frequenzgangs, extrem rückkopplungsresistent und durchsetzungsfähig. Die CUE-Serie umfasst drei Modelle im Triaxial-Design, um eine echte Einpunkt-Quelle zu bieten. Sie bieten vom kleinen Club bis zur großen Festival-Bühne ein beeindruckend durchsetzungsfähiges und dennoch neutrales Klangbild.

Zugehörige Produkte


“CODA Audio systems have the clarity and open sound quality that is perfect for the music in a jazz festival. There are lots of details in the music and CODA delivers the phase-correct sound that we want to hear."

Petter Norby of Rubicon


“Even at 120m away, the main PA was clearly audible across the entire site and the organisers were very happy with the quality and intelligibility. We even received compliments from various speakers about how good the sound was - something that they told us isn’t always the case!”

Julian Lacroix, Hoedemakers PRO System Tech


“All the sound engineers who have worked on the new system are enthusiastic about the precise bass and the clean resolution in the highs. We’ve had only positive comments from our guests - everyone mentions that there is good balanced sound everywhere in the venue. We are completely happy with our CODA Audio system!”

Tom Binggeli - Chief Technician and resident FOH engineer - Hunziken Mill



“The rigging is unparalleled, and the performance of the speakers is sensational in relation to their weight. TiRAY, for example, is equipped with two small 5-inch cone drivers, yet it is full-range capable and equally suited to reproducing music and speech.”

Christian Keil, CEO of NPB Veranstaltungstechnik